Man died. This was the finality of sin. Yet, what did it mean for Man to Die?
Man’s death meant that we were
now sinners (and therefore would continue to commit sin); we were recipients of
God’s wrath; we were enemies of God; we were lost; we were resistant to God; we
were offenders against God and we were judged and condemned.
Only if all of these conditions
were turned around fully would Man be Alive again.
The fig leaves weren’t sufficient
to solve the problem and neither were the tunics of skin. This was only a temporary covering of their
shame, but not good enough to give Life to Man again. Isn't it strange that to a large extent, Man
has not understood his predicament even today, nor has he understood that none
of the items he uses to cover himself can ever give him Life again?
All of Man’s achievements,
successes, attainments and accomplishments put together, cannot give him Life.
Someone, who had no personal sin, had to become Man and
take Man’s sin on himself. Since Man’s
sin was to be placed on Him, this person would become a recipient of God’s
wrath, would become an enemy of God, would be rejected by God and would need to
be judged and condemned to death, by God, in place of Man.
Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of
God was that person. Jesus died, just as
Man died in the Garden of Eden. This was
the extent of Jesus’ love for you and me.
Yet death could not hold Him and He rose again.
Man’s predicament had been solved
for all of time. Nevertheless, each
person born on this earth needs to make a personal choice to repent of his/her
sin and receive the solution that Jesus alone provides. The individual will need to receive the Life
of Christ by dying with Jesus on the cross by faith and rising with Him.
Jesus died in Man’s place so that
we should no more live for ourselves,
but for Him who died for us and rose again.
Without death of our selves we can never expect to live out the Life of
Christ. Sin is wrapped with our self and therefore the self must go. We are crucified with Christ, but we now live
because it is His Holy Spirit, who is now living through us. This is a constant faith experience.
This is the Holy Spirit walk that
enables us to manifest the Christ life.
It is in this Spirit walk that we are taken back to the initial
relationship that we had with God when He created Man. The old has gone the new has come. We are now prepared and reinstated to take
our designated places as co-rulers with God.
We reign with Him though He holds the title deed. He is the owner of all of creation and we are
His steward-rulers. All of creation is
eagerly waiting for the sons of God to be revealed.
As we walk this Holy Spirit walk,
we seek the coming of Christ’s Kingdom and His will to be done on earth. We wage a spiritual war against
principalities, powers and the rulers of the darkness of this age in order to
pull down spiritual strongholds and usher the Kingdom of God here on earth. We are hastening the coming of the King, who
will establish His eternal Kingdom here on earth.
This is the Good News!
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