In creation we were also gifted with God’s authority. God blessed
us and gave us the authority to be fruitful, multiply, fill the
earth, subdue it and have dominion over all the earth. This was an
operational, as well as an administrative authority. We had to be
fully engaged and subject to God in exercising this authority. The
five-fold function listed above constituted our responsibility.
In other words, this was a legal position, where we functioned under
God, exercising His authority over all of creation. Creation was in
our care. There were several powers and systems that were also in
operation within creation; all of these were subject to our
authority, as we functioned under God. This was a marvellous arrangement and an awesome status for man.

To exercise authority over creation, we needed to be close and
intimate with God. We had to discern His plan and purposes. We
needed to listen to Him and learn from Him. We were to be subject to
It’s like taking charge of the operation of a department from the
CEO of the company. The CEO has plans and purposes. He has a larger
mandate for the company, but he has delegated the authority of the
department to an individual. How should this person, heading the
department, relate with the CEO? Would it not be natural for the
department head to have constant interaction with the CEO, listening
to him, understanding his purpose for the department and how it fits
with the larger purpose of the company? In other words, the head of
the department would need to be subject to the CEO.
This is just a microscopic example of the larger mandate for mankind.
We were given authority over all of creation under God. We were
endued with all the needed potential to handle such a mammoth task.
This was not beyond us since we were created by God for this purpose,
to execute His authority over all of creation.
Hence, man must be subject to God in order to function rightly and
exercise His authority over all of creation. The need for intimacy
with God is mandatory for several reasons, but not being close to and
in subjection to Him, has scary and frightening consequences. Man,
on his own, is dangerous - a hazard and a disaster. Subjection to God
is therefore the starting point for an intimate relationship with